Montag, 20. Februar 2023

Bzw. ۲ ۶ ۳ [»Three Children's Songs« (1993) for piano by R. A. ol-Omoum]


[Goedart Palm »Exaltierte Landschaft« (2018)]

What is so real as the cry of a child?

A rabbit's cry may be wilder

But it has no soul.

[Sylvia Plath »Ariel« (1965)]

[Goedart Palm »Zauberkraut« (2018)]

Children begin by loving their parents; as they grow older they judge them; sometimes they forgive them. 

[Oscar Wilde »The Picture of Dorian Grey« (1890)]

What do you suppose is the use of a child without any meaning? Even a joke should have some meaning-- and a child's more important than a joke, I hope. You couldn't deny that, even if you tried with both hands. 

[Lewis Carroll »Through The Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There« (1871)]

Though children can accept adults as adults, adults can never accept children as anything but adults too. 

[William Faulkner »Light in August« (1932)]

Grown-up people do not know that a child can give exceedingly good advice even in the most difficult case. 

[Fyodor Dostoyevsky »The Idiot« (1869)]

[Goedart Palm »Blue Tree« (2018)]

Die Bäume - Denn wir sind wie Baumstämme im Schnee. Scheinbar liegen sie glatt auf, und mit kleinem Anstoß sollte man sie wegschieben können. Nein, das kann man nicht, denn sie sind fest mit dem Boden verbunden. Aber sieh, sogar das ist nur scheinbar. [Aus: Franz Kafka »Betrachtung. Für M. B.« (1913)]